Friday, April 3, 2009


this week
the setara I exam gone already
**swift lik the gun shootin on me**
consider dying this few days
school-ing--back from tuition--stil gonna 2do revision at night
my "good fren",pimples also come to me

nothing better to do in the class
im just kept myself quiet

everyone just keep fighting for the exam

last acc paper for me >.<
an old
fren back to school
to visit his old gang of frens
"hey`future psychologist~i'll be your 1st patient!!"
since im also psycho abit
remember to give me an special discount,ya

30 MAR--03 APR
dint really open my mouth
to speak loudly to smile sincerely to laugh unbridledly
eccentric people
arrow exactly point to me
sometimes my smile is just a kind of disguise,courtesy
i feel myself is damn fake
it start to mak me be weary of myself
sometimes the tears rolling in the eyes
but i still stoppin it from flowing out
im just dunno WHY
how come i become so emotional
im just dunno WHEN
i start to camouflage myself
it's all just start since no when


[신환중][Sinhwanjung] on April 5, 2009 at 10:44 PM said...

U did really change a lot or should I say tat u stress a lot , wat happen to u ? u look down n even looks lik involve with a bunch of trouble .
I juz can't afford to see u lik tat , where is the junior tat always asking me to laugh n' smile more ? Pls dun ever say tat u r fake or in the negative way caus this not the wantien i know ...
Pls cheer up ; if got any problem , juz say so n' I'm always here to help u ... =)


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